Friday, September 11, 2009


I've actually made it to the 3rd trimester!!! I really, really, really, really did not think that was even a possibility for us! It is another HUGE relief... once we hit 28wks / 30wks etc... I will be able to breathe a little easier (figuratively, not literally...)

Saw my Dr. on Tuesday and everything still looks good. We have another growth scan in two weeks.

There's no hiding this belly anymore! It completely gets in the way when I try to bend over and pick something up off the floor...which I do A LOT...4 yo's just don't completely get the concept of putting things back where they belong when you're done with them (but then again 37 & 38 yo's don't really get that concept either...)

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good for you. Praying for 36 weeks.
Love the belly shot.